@JohnPhilpin clearly Threads has some inherent traction? Or the algorithm liked you? But yeah that is the power of walled gardens, amplified signal on a scale…if you know how to play that game
@manton @gregmorris Great work and such a big update so quickly! Shown my appreciation and definely showing how much fertile ground there is in the Micro.blog app space :).
@manton ah awesome. Thanks really appreciate it.
@manton Ah ok, adding is working now….but is there any reason the bookshelf shortcode wouldn’t be working? My page is coming up blank (and I’ve tried a few things to make it work but coming up short)
@manton hey, quick one is bookshelves working?
@WiredDifferently It’s amazing what $10 of cable tags from Amazon can do.
@crossingthethreshold I have forgotten how many times I have watched this movie. So great.
@gregmorris I don’t…yet, but will work on a couple of ideas :)
@gregmorris Amazing Polish for a version 1! Congrats, really think this is one of the most polished releases for Micro.blog. My only ‘gripe’ is with the icon itself. It’s fine but I think it could be a lot more unique/individual (hope you take that as constructive feedback), because everything else is wonderful.Really.
@JohnPhilpin wasn’t on my radar, but definitely is now. Out of curiosity, how do you typically stay ahead of what music is coming out?
@robb Honestly there is only one that continually amazes me (and he’s just insanely creative and great all around) www.aegir.org Go only if you want to get depressed at your own shortcomings :).
@timapple Yeah, he's a name I've heard a lot (Landman is the next on my list I think), but he does seem to be everywhere! But this feels like a few years ago when @JohnPhilpin gave a list of everything to listen to after you've finished with some Steve Wilson stuff :). Saved for future reference, thanks!
@JohnPhilpin so great!
@patrickrhone No, this is being done in the name of America. America as a whole has to own this. Supporting the most vile of governments is a choice that every American administration since Truman has made by supporting racist imperialists. Donny is only doing what every previous president in the White House was too ‘cautious’ to enact. At least he’s owning your country’s past behaviour.
@eurobubba That’s a fucking good point. Coordinated counter attack is what is needed…but I don’t see that happening
@manton The smart replies is a clear winner. One of the more frustrating lack of functions by default on Micro.blog...just saying :)
@danielpunkass Honestly man, it's so strange. For years I felt that what happened in America tangentially impacted me...but this deranged tangerine is just all over the place.
@manton ahh that is a shame. But it was a solid run. I’ve been listening for maybe 5 or 6 years now. What would be cool is if next week you released episode 01 and on it went on loop for another 16 years. Surely there is some automation that can make that happen?
@davidmarsden Found some good tape (had to go back to the store to get some more) and it's all happening in the middle of a blizzard. Oh well, live and learn, never agree to move in the middle of winter.
@robb not enough info. What did you get?
@pratik I seem to have tried this app in the past but it's not stuck. Too much going on. I am loving putting everything on my own site tbh. Books? Check. Photos? Check. Projects? Check. Beer? Check.
@manton Strange bug but yeah that works! Thanks.
@manton It seems like the custom.css is not being loaded for some reason. Everything else is working.
@manton Seems my sites not rendering correctly? Is this due to an update on Micro.blog?
@manton I guess nobody is immune from controversy on the internet. One thing that is lost on the internet is that language and cultures are not used in the same way across the world. Ideas and thoughts can sometimes be totally taken out of context or extrapolated. I believe in what you’re doing and trying to build. There will always be bumps on the road. Rise to the occasion and move forward.