Design Complete
It took a minute - well actually it took around 7 years - but I finally got the site where I want it across text, photos and my bookshelf. The last two pages have been annoying me for years but it was fine until this morning when it was bloody not fine anymore. I also tweaked the colours a little so that they are both neutral both in normal and dark modes.
Over the last 20 years of playing around with websites I have wondered to myself why I bother spending time tweaking and fixing and sweating the pixel details. I’m not alone in this space as clearly many, many others have the same tinkering itch. It’s an itch that you can’t help but scratching away at. Leave it alone and it will be fine. Not that I spent ages over the last 7 years playing with the design (I would tweak once or twice a year), but my feeling now is that unless there is a major shift in what I do with my site, the design will remain consistent and the same for many, many years to come.