The Antidote is an interesting book, but only when the author is writing about his experiences with different people or going on an adventure to find out more. The journalist pieces are what came through as the strongest (or certainly the most interesting) parts of this book.

One thing that I have found myself tiring of, is the style of writing that is forever quoting random pieces of work, or sayings or whatever from people around the world, across time to enforce a point. It bores me because there is plenty of examples in the opposite direction. The occasional, important quote that is central might be acceptable but the barrage is tiring. I’ve found Ryan Holiday is the king of this style of writing, which is why I’ve not picked up his latest book.

Having said all of that, I think this book serves as the planting of the ideas for his next book, Four Thousand Weeks which delves even further into our mortality, a subject that is clearly on the author’s mind.