Not sure when it happened, but the best way to read and experience The Economist is on the Kindle. First of all there are no ads. Each article has a small bar at the bottom to show you how far into the article you’ve gotten. It gives you the number of words in the article right at the start (so you are aware of what you’re getting yourself into). You can check the meaning of those clever little words that pepper the articles straight away. Getting through sections and sub-sections is really easy from the top (rather than flicking through pages and pages). And importantly I don’t need to recycle something that has been flown across borders to get to me.
My favourite thing however is the balance in the stories. It doesn’t try to sugar coat things. The whole experience is just so much better for my mental health if I’m honest. I will eventually supplement additional news sources, but it certainly won’t be in the manner that I consumed it previously. For the foreseeable future this magazine gives me an awesome overview of what is going on across the world in a manageable and enjoyable way.
The only area that I wish was done better was better resolution and size of the graphs. The Kindle does not do a very good job with these.